Lumen Coach Academy

What Does Launching a
Coaching Practice as a
Side-Hustle Look Like?

Hey there, my name is Spence Taylor. I’m the founder of the Lumen Coach Academy .
100 days from now you will still be breathing the same air, wearing the same clothes, seeing through the same eyes… but how will your life be better? Will you look back on this day as a critical turning point when you committed to your vision of building a thriving coaching practice? No more excuses, no more delays, no more playing it safe at the expense of your greatest adventure!
I love helping senior HR leaders launch and grow their own successful coaching practice as a side-hustle so they can get back to the roots of why they chose HR as their career in the first place. Read on to learn more and discover whether Lumen Coach Academy is the right solution to propel you to achieving this important goal in your life!

How it Works

Confirm Fit

First, let’s make sure this is the right move for you at this stage of your career. As the saying goes, “if the shoe fits…” and this is potentially a very important shoe in your life!

The Guarantee

Our team guarantees you will succeed in launching your new coaching practice as you follow the clearly outlined steps and work with your Launch Coach one-on-one. If for some reason it takes you more than 100 days to be profitable, we’ll keep working with you until you are.

The Program

Upon enrollment, you’ll gain access to a robust library of videos and tools that take you step-by-step toward signing your first client. Depending on your chosen program (see below), you’ll also receive multiple layers of support to assure you have a strong foundation upon which to build a great coaching practice with confidence.


Tuition Options

Launch your practice for as little as $200!

Program FeaturesSelf-StarterCollaboratorExecutive Partner
Unlimited access to online learning platform (video content, worksheets, templates)
Unlimited email support (send in questions and receive personalized responses)
Access to live bi-weekly group calls with other coaches building and growing their practices
24/7 Access to our private Lumen Coaches Slack Group for fastest response and community collaboration
Copywriting assistant for LinkedIn, Coaching Resume, Messaging
1:1 Sessions with certified Lumen Coach1 per month2 per month
Access to Lumen Network of Clients
Tuition Amount$200/mo$600/mo$900/mo
Enrollment OptionEnroll NowSchedule InterviewSchedule Interview

Get Started

If you’re like most senior HR leaders who visit this page, you probably have a list of questions you’d like to get answered before deciding if now is the time to begin building your coaching practice. If you’re serious about the idea of launching your practice and want to discuss your questions with a member of the Lumen Coach Academy team before you make your final decision on whether now is the time to enroll, simply schedule a Discovery Call by clicking the link below. We look forward to helping however we can as you move toward achieving this important goal in your life!